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  • Writer's pictureNicholas Legue

The truth about (American) Politics and why we're arguing over the Electoral College.

CONTENT WARNING: It seems that now a days many Americans can't go a single day without hearing about something related to politics. Be it Climate Change, memes, Fascism and Communism, Etc. etc. But recently, one major debate that has sprung up (and in my opinion a rather stupid one) is the electoral college. The very election system that America has built it's freaking foundations on for the past 200 years, could potentially be removed. But the real question is not "Should we really keep the Electoral College?".

The real question is this: "Why tho?". Why are we even arguing over this anyways? It's a pretty simple answer that I'll go into detail over and use inductive reasoning, logos, and plain common sense to explain. Also side note before you jump to conclusions about my political status and raid my comments section, I'm a Independent Leftist. If you call me a communist or bigot I swear to god. Ok, anyways now that that is out of the way, I will explain why we are even arguing over the electoral college system in the first place.

It is not because it is an old, archaic system we need to get rid of.

We don't need to keep it because removing it threatens the very Republicanist rights that make America the great country it is.

And no, no matter how many times the democrats say it (Yeah as a leftist, I'm sorry dems but the rest of the left doesn't claim you stop using our beliefs for self-gain), It is not because it was made by rich white slave owners and because it oppresses minority groups in America.

It is because of Power.

At this rate America, if you want to ensure our very existence as a united country you might as well allow Independents to vote in the Caucasus before we manage to prove that the our biggest threat was ourselves all along.


Yup you heard it right, the only reason we're arguing over this (and many other political topics too) is because of power. The very existence (or not) of the electoral college could drastically affect the POWER and INFLUENCE of either the Democrats and/or the Republicans.

Again, content warning: Before you tear up my comments despite my warnings, think about it. Think closely about why the Democrats even started this argument in the first place and why the Republicans are so eager to keep the electoral college.

Since 2001, we've had 2 Republican presidents who've served around 9-10 years total and only one Democratic President who served 8 years. Guess who gets salty over the fact that the opposing party beat them in a fair electoral system twice? Yup, the Democrats. And what do the Democrats do in response?

Yup, in a true Democrat-like response, once again, the Democrats misuse and leech off of Black Americans to cry about "political oppression" just so they gain more political power through manipulation and corruption in the name of democracy.

I mean think about it. The Democrats wouldn't be so hellbent on abolishing the Electoral college if it didn't benefit them politically, (just like how as mentioned earlier), and the Republicans wouldn't be so hellbent on keeping the electoral college if it didn't benefit them politically. I mean, that's basically the point of every political argument. While it should be obvious that that's kind of the point of most political debates, and that there are some arguments where integrity, honesty, and passion are all involved, power has become way too influential over passion and integrity in politics. So much so that we need to stop this. Because what if that drive for power threatens the very basic rights to freedom our beautiful American Republic cherishes? Oh wait that's already happening? We're arguing over our voting system now? Well then...

See? It's already happening. I advise to anyone and everyone reading this that you think about what (if anything) you're fighting for, and if you are fighting for it because you actually care and think it's a good cause, or if it's a farse and it's just an excuse for more power. Remember that. Just a thought.

Well you may or may not be wondering, "Well what's your stance?". Personally, even as a leftist I support keeping the electoral college. I'm not gonna abolish it because it's helped two republicans and 1 democrat become a president in the past 18 years. You Democrats can say all you want, that it gives an unfair advantage, it's outdated, etc. We don't care. It's worked fine for the past several centuries, why change it now? Oh boo-hoo, sorry you lost the election.

Get over it, we'll get a chance in the next 4 years, and considering you're (democrats) the party that supported slavery and segregation, you're one to talk about "racism and systematic oppression". (Not that it doesn't exist, but still we all know the democrats wanna use it for self-gain and not to help anyone).

So with all that out of the way, remember; Again, we must remember whether our fights are for right or for might. Several generations of Americans before us have fought over this debate several times. They were ready, are we?

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